Tuesday, April 21, 2015

High Day Attendance

Samhain-Calan Gaeaf
I set a special shrine on this High Day. My ancestors sit with me in photos. My special items are the Goddess Bast, pumpkins, gourds and cinnamon. Even though Bast is not of my Celtic pantheon, I honor her at this time for my beautiful cats, with us and passed.
With my hair down, braids on both sides of my face, half moon on my forehead, my sacred triskele Celtic Hound pendant on and my sacred black dress, I speak with my Ancestors and Ancients. Ceridwen, Cernunos, Cailleach Bearra and Oghma are with me and of my ritual.
I share whole grain bread and honey mead, made by friends, with my deities and the Outdwellers. A simple family feast of home made bread, chicken-vegetable soup, apple pie and green tea or honey mead. The scraps go outside to my oak tree where my shrine offerings were taken. (149

Yule-Alban Arthuan-Winter Solstice/Equinox
The ritual was a unique one, with the local Wiccan coven. It was a "hearth" ritual. The High Priestess spoke of family, home, warmth, friends, peace, feasting, the Yule log and it's traditions, that it was okay to exchange gifts (as the modern era had demanded that of us), the Holly King losing his battle, the coming light and the colder months ahead. I'm not sure I completely understand the way things are done, what with the forming of the circle, the exact chant each time and the end of the ritual passing around of the "fire", "water" and "offering". I do not see a, well, diversity or reverence to rituals I have now attended. YET, I know they do. OH...and the opening and closing of the circle...hmm, I am learning of their ways. But, they are kind, so warm and very welcoming and accepting.
In ADF Druidry, our rituals, to me, our so beautifully written. Perhaps it is in me, outside looking in, that is the reason I see the Kindreds as this coven holds their rituals...because I DO hold my "long, well laid out" rituals, so much more sacred.
Again, a potluck, deliciously laid out. A holiday feast with all the trimmings. There is a kinship forming between me and several people who attend these rituals. Not all are Wiccan and some are. I am humbled and honored by their friendships and gifts of love. It is past time I became more accepting and honoring of these rituals that I am invited to attend. (263)

Imbolc-Gwyl Ffraed
Interesting is how I will describe this ritual. What a pleasure it has been to meet and get to know a few of the local covens in my area...Witches and Wiccans. The High Priestesses are just delightful, non-judgmental, and absolute gems.
This High Day, Imbolc, finds me at a Wiccan ritual, by invitation into their large community here. Such an eclectic mix of paths. Hades and Persephone. She so intoned and expounded upon this, most wondrous of pairs...of God and Goddess. She would have made a wonderful Bard. Although, I did find this form of ritual definitely different...as this was like the "story" part of it.
I've never formed or made what they call a "circle", but I was welcomed and lovingly became part of this one. No one minded at all, that I didn't say "Blessed Be", or know the chants that they know. The focus was on the awakening of the earth, as it should have been. The High Priestess was dressed in white, with a dark blue cloak. After her telling of Hades and Persephone, she took off the cloak...the darkness lifted and light once again, and to our delight and surprise, the entire upper half and back of her gown was covered in yellow Gladiolas! All I could do was smile and exhale.
I did feel the power, the energy of the room, the people. When the part of their ritual called for handing around the "fire" (sage), "water" (juice), and "offering" (tiny-tiny cupcakes), I was kind and did partake...as I watched others do. They had a potluck feast after the ritual. Wonderful foods of salads, potato dishes, chicken, desserts...like a HUGE picnic. I was welcomed into the Pagan community as a whole. This was a new experience for me, but beautiful all the same. I believe I have just made many new friends. (316)

Ostara-Alban Eiler-Spring/Vernal Equinox
My Ostara celebration was spent solitary. I found myself livened, energized and very focused, as I welcomed Spring. I adjusted the "Grove of the Seven Hills Spring Equinox 2007" ritual for a solitary. Of course, changing the 'we' to 'I', adjusting deities to fit within myself and my own. I find this Spring ritual to be truly beautiful and welcoming of this High Day, this turn of The Wheel.
I was able to hold my celebration outside. It is comforting to see the sky and have the sun on my face. I was able to sit peacefully, after my ritual, and feel the air play through my hair. Almost 70 out, I was able to take off my shoes and put my bare feet in the grass. Take time to understand the ritual I performed. Not always do we take in the total meanings of all of our rituals. I know we right them with a purpose in mind, but our rituals, each High Day, must truly mean something to us. All the words must come from our heart and soul. We must nurture them inside of us, so they grow and become the clear ritual that we wish to present and have others understand.
The beginning of planting season. I will have to wait for the weather to stay warmer, but soon it will be right for planting. (233)

May Day-Beltane-Calan Mai
Held at the beautiful Waterfall Park, here in my town, the local Wiccan coven invited me to their Beltane ritual. The ritual began by casting the circle, involving a daughter of a coven member spreading petals around the outskirts of the attendants, then calling the quarters. The ritual began by calling upon Dionysus, a Greek God associated with fertility and wine. We talked about overindulgence and moderation, and then were asked to focus upon our five senses in order to better understand the use, power and inner peace of our own bodies. This included having the High Priestess walk around and touching everyone's lips with a dab of chocolate to lilac incense to bells for hearing. Juice from a grape was then transformed into wine and was spread about the foreheads of the attendants and coven members. Food and drink were then offered to the gods and the universe in the form of juice, chocolate covered strawberries and grapes while music was provided by a bard and a drummer. Dionysus was thanked and circle was closed, ending the ritual. We then turned our attention towards the gorgeous Maypole. The High Priestess gave a quick tutorial on how to do a simple Maypole dance and the work began! I greatly enjoyed dancing around the Maypole. Again it was potluck for the feast. I brought bottled water, which was definitely needed as it was very hot! Despite the heat, it was a festive picnic afternoon. What a wonderful group of people they truly are. (255)

Litha-Alban Heruin-Midsummer-Summer Solstice/Equinox
I will have to say this Sabbat was completely different than what I had planned on attending. I changed plans to attend this celebration with to go to "Roots in Bliss Healing Arts Gathering; Summer Solstice" (June 20-22), in Eldridge, Missouri. While this was a beautiful experience literally ON the Niangua River (our tent was only 3 feet from the bank)...I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the entire weekend.
Peaceful, love filled, kindness aplenty. Yet, "Open Circle" was on the 20th, the Sacred Drum Circle was too. A beautiful, large gong was played, as we all gathered around 5 pm. We were a HUGE gathering. We broke in one place and began to follow each other and spiral in closer and closer toward a "singing bowl", until we were a very tight, touching group. With the "singing" of the bowl *calling* us as we became one, when we were as tight as we could get, "Peter" started a "Ah" sound and we all followed. Just beautiful to hear all of those voices raised in one tone. As we slowly lost breath/died down. Peter would give another "pitch" Ah, as again we would follow suit. This was done 5-6 times. The last time was held SO long...such harmonies. Fabulous.
BUT, for what I have become used to, there was NO real ritual. I made sure though that all weekend I performed a small ritual, morning and night, for myself. I did NOT forget to giver offering to the Outdwellers and ask for us to be left in peace for the entire time we were there. Each morning I woke up, walked away from our campsite to a beautiful area and with sage and my crystal point in hand, I thanked my Gods, Goddesses and Kindreds for another beautiful, Blessed day...then I had my morning coffee and a swim in the Niangua River. Each evening, I did the same, except I did so after the evening meal. On the Solstice, I danced to the drums at the fire. I was thankful to my Gods and Goddesses for the wine I had and the food I had been offered to eat. I saved some and when we came back to camp, I gave the rest of both to the beautiful oak tree beside where we camped. I made the Solstice a ritual, the very best way I could.
The only thing of any notice ON the Solstice was wonderful Drum Circle that my friend drummed in and that I was asked to do a bonding ceremony for a delightful young couple, right before midnight. Truly old souls that are found once again.
"Closing Circle" was done on the 22nd, in late afternoon. I left there with such a feeling of beauty and peace...THAT I cannot deny. The souls, the passion, the paths...you couldn't help but feel it all. I know we all honor our Ancients, each in their own way. This though, was absolutely alien to me. (506)

Lughnasadh-Lammas-Calan Awst
Lammas is the first harvest festival of The Wheel. The early crops are being harvested. Now is a time for to be thankful for hard work put in to grow the crops, for the early harvests and hoping for prosperity for those who sell their harvests through the growing season. School will begin soon, so as we feel it necessary to ready not only our children, but ourselves for the coming school year, making everything so hectic. So, in this modern era, we celebrate this harvest with another celebration, a closing of the summer season, at the end of the month. For today, I held a small, solitary ritual in the evening. It was a very hot day. Still, to be so thankful for this High Day is truly important to us all. It is so easy to get caught up in the summer heat and just neglect the world around us and ourselves, for the wonders of staying inside in air conditioning. We seem to forget what truly lies outdoors and has been gifted to us. The Earth has shared her soil with us so we may eat another year. For this, I was truly thankful and made offerings to the Kindreds. Since it had finally began to cool down, I thoroughly enjoyed the setting sun and the evening breeze, before taking a relaxing float in the pool. (231)

Mabon-Alban Elfed/Autumnal Equinox
Solitary: At this time, I celebrate alone. I looked for balance in both my altar settings and my ritual. A white plus black candle. A red scarf draped over a black scarf for altar cloths. I have a long leaf 'band' in my fall decorations that I entwined around everything. The Chalice, the tree, the fire, offering of crumbled granola and sliced apple. Amber, green adventurine, deep citrine, flourite...they all called to me. The Chalice held my favorite wine. Simple, pure. Not a long ritual, YET! My intentions; my Goddesses Danu, Bridget; Open the Gate...the Gate Keeper Ogma - he works well for me; the Kindreds; my prayers, requests and Blessings, all offerings given and received; Close the Gate - my Ogma; in essence and for all purposes I thank my Gods and Goddesses for being with me and Blessing the second harvest's gifts myself and my family have received, and offerings left over I took outside to the fence, the base of my Lady Oak, and gifted them to her. And my ritual was at the end. (182)

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