Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Nine Virtues

1. Wisdom

Definition by ADF: Good judgment, the ability to perceive people and situations correctly, deliberate about and decide on the correct response

Wisdom usually brings to mind the movie 'Bambi', when Thumper is asked by his mother, "Thumper, what did your father say?" And he answers her, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
One truly needs to think before they speak. Your judgement to know what to say, when and where to say it will take you far. You merely need to think first, before opening your mouth. Being polite really IS the correct thing to do! And with this ability you will indeed need to learn how to be able to know whether to inject into certain conversations or leave them and walk away. Perhaps that IS a discussion among friends and not an argument. How do you tell? Listen. Take time to be a good judge of people. Wisdom to do this isn't learned over night. Yet, it is truly learned. Once you understand that you "can" take a few moments to think before you speak, observe a conversation without butting in and be a good judge of situations and people around you...you will have gained a knowledge, a mature wisdom, that will live within you and hold you in high regard of and to your peers for the remainder of your days. (233)

2. Piety

Definition by ADF: Correct observance of ritual and social traditions, the maintenance of the agreements (both personal and societal) we humans have with the Gods and Spirits. Keeping the Old Ways, through ceremony and duty

Piety. Devotion. Dutiful. Religious. Wherein you find yourself in accordance with keeping the Old Ways. I could wrap this all up neatly and tie a spiritual bow around it, but so much would be left out. There is the sanctity of your family, spiritual and blood; your friends. Obligations, in every aspect, to your religion. Recognizing and honoring the Hallows, the Realms, the Kindreds.
For myself, I completely believe that I must give honor where honor is due, without fail. If I leave off one observance related to a turn of the wheel, I have failed myself, my Gods, the Spirits. I have a duty to uphold the sanctity of traditions. I have to respect those who join me in my rituals as well as the community as a whole. If I cannot be correct in my duties, if I cannot be respectful of self and others, if I cannot or will not honor the traditions and Old Ways, then I have no business wanting others to believe that I am devotional, well learned adult that knows the true meaning of balance and respect of anyone or anything.
      Where is ADF without Piety? What is the point if no one will give fealty to the Gods in their rituals? Why are we here if we disrespect ADF by not celebrating the High Days? No where! We have chosen to lay Piety aside and dishonor everyone from ourselves and ADF to the Kindreds. I am here to dignify not only ADF, but observe and keep all, in ceremony, duty and ritual. To be pious is to live pious. No matter your path, you have chosen a faith to follow. To uphold a quality of Piety that not only represents your religion, but yourself. I have chosen the Druid path. My Piety through traditions, rituals and honor I dedicate to ADF. (345)

3. Vision

Definition by ADF: The ability to broaden one’s perspective to have a greater understanding of our place/role in the cosmos, relating to the past, present, and future

To have Vision is not only to be able to see what is, but also to be able to see what could be. It is understanding the possibilities that may occur from anything and the repercussions that may arise due to anything. One must recognize it as the ability to link with the moment, yet also realize the consequences of what you're putting forth may have ahead in time. One can make a difference in the future with ideas of planning for a better world, a better neighborhood, bettering yourself. It merely takes ideas, dreams and acting upon them. Much creativity and beauty have been brought to fruition from the past and the present, and will well into the future, with great Vision.
Without Vision, I wouldn't be this far in learning about my spiritual self. My husband and I planned ahead to own our home and we do. We both took experiences from our past, changed them to fit raising our four children and now again have had the foresight to see what to change in helping in the lives of our grandchildren. I have a beautiful role in this life. My role was sent down to me by my Celtic Ancestors. Sharing laughter, love, teaching, nurturing, light and life in the present with my family. Sharing and continuing what I have begun with my children, with my grandchildren and making sure they know how to tend and appreciate the Earth Mother they have inherited. To me, that is Vision. (280)

4.      Courage

Definition by ADF: The ability to act appropriately in the face of danger

There is always a time and place for true acts of Courage. The Courage of strength that might be needed in a show of force, if you are able to display such. The Courage to stand up to one's family or friends if the need should arise in a verbal confrontation. The Courage to tell your adult child you may not approve of his/her choices at that time. The Courage to face your boss on something gone wrong at work. The Courage to walk away from an angry neighbor. The Courage to leave a relationship gone bad. The Courage to face our own fears and take chances. Every day in our lives there is an opportunity for Courage. There is a chance we may have to find our own Courage and use it to some level. Be it in need or decision, Courage is there. Courage IS inside of us all. We just have to know how to use it wisely and to let our fears go to be able to use it at all. One cannot always walk the well lit, safe path to get directly home. Every once in awhile, we do have to muster the Courage inside to step out of our safety zone and try that new path, that one that goes beside the dark forest, even if it's just to see what is on the other side. It takes Courage to change our old habits, too. When you find your Courage in your daily lives, you'll know it. You'll also know when and where to use it and just how much in each and every situation it is called for. 
For me to be courageous is to go forward out of my comfort zone. Courage isn’t just about me facing my fears and doing things with others, it is also about conquering fears I have within myself. Perhaps I won’t be liked. Maybe no one will listen. What if I hear people saying the ritual was awful? I don’t run and hide. I stay and face one of my worst fears, criticism.  I pull that from deep inside of me and grab hold with all I have to face everyone with a smile on my face and continue. Courage isn’t just about being brave. It is asking your deities for help when you need it. It is in the way I interact with people on a daily basis. It is knowing when to be humble and not gloat over anything. It is also knowing that I will never be perfect and in the knowing that I don’t want to be. I have my courage and it’s just right for me. (470)

5. Integrity

Definition by ADF: Honor; being trustworthy to oneself and to others, involving oathkeeping, honesty, fairness, respect, self-confidence

Integrity is keeping one's character, beliefs and principles intact when provoked. Being honest, trustworthy and respectful of self, others and the Higher Beings. Integrity is nurturing and continuing in your oaths to your spirituality, yourself, your family and your friends. I see no reason to take an oath in pretense. It is the worse broken promise. When one takes an oath, you are to take it with all of your being and to uphold that oath with every ounce of your fiber. When you factor in self-confidence, which I have an issue with too much of the time...and fairness, which I do strive to be a fair person...I know in my heart I need to work on me to be more confident and more fair in all areas of my daily life and interactions.
Without Integrity I am not whole and I need to be in learning and living my path. The virtues in me need more work as do I as a person as I continue, day by day, to become the best person I can be, in my religion and in my life. (205)

6. Perseverance

Definition by ADF: Drive; the motivation to pursue goals even when that pursuit becomes difficult

The continuation towards a final goal even when you don't think you can take another step. The dedication to being successful and standing strong in that conviction despite opposition. When what you believe in isn't the popular "norm", yet you stay peacefully strong and walk your path despite the ridicule and harassment. Taking that dedicated first step to follow through and complete what you've started.

Rosa Parks, in a period in time where women and African Americans really had no say, despite all odds, stood her ground and became part of a great change in history. Rock Hudson, a handsome actor, became ill with a mystery illness, yet when his life style was revealed as the cause, he held his head high and continued to be who he was until the day he died. These wonderful people do not even begin to touch on those from past to present that regardless of the odds against them, the difficulties, had the motivation and determination to stand up and be counted; to keep moving forward.

I come from a fair income to sometimes poor home, with an abusive mother and loving, but alcoholic father. Very dysfunctional. Oldest of six children. It was a hard road unlearning how I was raised and I walked it, every single step of the way and have four beautiful, well adjusted children to prove it. Through sheer motivation to become a better parent through example, my children are wonderful parents. They learned to laugh love and be fair, They have learned to work for what they have and that it's not always easy, but never give up, by watching me and their dad. I never gave up and I appreciate every day that I have, what I have accomplished, and who and where I am today. I truly have persevered! (319)

7. Hospitality

Definition by ADF: Acting as both a gracious host and an appreciative guest, involving benevolence, friendliness, humor, and the honoring of 'a gift for a gift'

To be gracious and welcoming, a delightful host and content guest. To be appreciative, kind respectful, entertaining, friendly and honoring of gifting, but not in opulence. In the either capacity, THAT is where I will find Hospitality.
Be you host or guest there must be a harmony in the role of each. The comfort and grace of being a guest, but not being intrusive upon your host. The willingness to give and share being the polite host, but also not giving or sharing overly of yourself or above your means.
Be a Hospitable host in the abundance of quality. What you are and what you have is more than enough. Be a Hospitable guest in conscience thought of being respectful and thankful to be where you are and surrounded with such warmth and good company, as you be what you are and who you are.
In being a host it should never feel like a job or chore to have people in your home. I make each person feel happy to be here. We share laughter, love, music, to always feel welcome and comfortable in my home. When I am a guest, I have been thankful, gracious, asked if I could be helpful and I've always hoped it wasn't to the point of being obtrusive.
My door is always open, day or night. There will always be companionship, laughter, love, singing, food and shelter here. As a guest I will try to be the guest that I see enter my home. (278)

8. Moderation

Definition by ADF: Cultivating one's appetites so that one is neither a slave to them nor driven to ill health, (mental or physical), through excess or deficiency

In Moderation one must pay strict attention to their volume of overindulgences. This does not just merely apply to simple food or fluid intake. Not in the least.
How much time to you spend doing absolutely nothing versus movement? i.e. Watching TV, lying on your sofa, sitting on the porch swing? Compare that to time spent in earnest exercise. When was the last time you left the house and tried a new restaurant instead of eating hot dogs again? Have you ever tried a smoothie instead of getting that 32 ounce soda? It doesn't really matter what it is, you should find a way for you to balance Moderation between too much and too little for your life to be happy and healthy. Your whole life should have Moderation in more than one area, at more times than not. And living a life like this, well, there is NO Moderation healthy or otherwise.
Once you learn Moderation in your life styles, you will see an over all happier, healthier you.
Your excesses can continue to have control over you or YOU can have control and use your sense of Moderation.
I have learned Moderation in many aspects of my life, but I still have many that I fight with. Food, weight has always been one I struggle with to moderate. But, I strive daily to gain control over this. I come from a long line of alcoholic Irish folk, my dad being one of them. It is too easy for me to not be moderate in my drink, yet I try to watch my drinking or just away.
I will continue to be a work in progress with Moderation on my side. (311)

9. Fertility

Definition by ADF: Bounty of mind, body and spirit, involving creativity, production of objects, food, works of art, etc., an appreciation of the physical, sensual, nurturing

Immediately the first thought when anyone sees this virtue goes directly to reproducing, having a child. I don't feel this should be accurate. My grandparents talked about the "fertile" soil of their huge gardens. I've heard teachers say, "That child sure has a fertile mind!" There are reasons a child may not be in a family. Those gardens kept us in fresh vegetables and berries for a lot of years. That child was my only, baby brother and he is a master carpenter, and creates such beautiful pieces out of recycled, dead trees. A delight to the eyes.

Fertility covers so much; creation. Be it mind, speech, singing, hands, gardens, arts, creation is endless. Sure I have four children. I did reproduce. But, they are not my only creations. I have crocheted for over forty years. What I create in crocheting are absolute works of art. Creating my pond gardens, flower beds, writing songs, rearranging furniture, planning a family gathering, the fertility of my mind grow and expands with each and everything I decide to do. To be able to create even happiness wherever you go, that, is beyond measure of all things fertile! (221)

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